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Action Aid Cambodia

Crop Production Sector Icon Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Icon Animal Production Sector Icon Nutrition and Health Sector Icon Market and Trade Sector Icon Other Sector Icon
No.69, St.242, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
+855 (23) 994-987


Project Name Role
Enhanced Food and Social Security for Coastal Fisher Folks and Their FamiliesDonor
Mention Project Local Right ProgrammingDonor
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Project Sectors

Click on an icon to view projects.

Crop Production Sector IconPostharvest Management Sector IconFisheries and Aquaculture Sector IconAnimal Production Sector IconNutrition and Health Sector IconPolicy Sector IconMarket and Trade Sector IconRural Credit / Micro-Finance Sector IconClimate Change Sector IconResearch Sector IconOther Sector Icon