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Rice for malnourished slum kindergartners

Nutrition and Health Sector Icon
March 3, 2013
October 1, 2016
USD 5,905

Project Information

We serve almost 1 million meals in the slums each year, which makes rice our most important food staple. We provide rice every day to the 2,500 children enrolled in our slum kindergartens. One in five children who enters our schools is malnourished and hungry, and it's very hard for the child to learn his first lesson on an empty stomach. In addition we provide food for the 200 orphans who live in our Centre, for our street children and to the poor who have no means to provide for themselves.

We run 22 kindergartens throughout the slums of Bangkok and feed 2500 kindergartners every day. Rice is the basic staple for all meals. In total, every month we buy five and half metric tonnes of rice for our children, kindergarten students, and poorest neighbors in the slum. With your help we can help the children stay healthy and develop their minds and bodies.

Rice is a large part of our school and general operating budget. By reducing food costs, we can reach out further to the poorest families in the community, sponsor the education of more destitute children, protect more vulnerable street children, and help those who need our help the most in their times of greatest need.

It is very difficult for a child to learn on an empty stomach. With your support we will help reduce chronic malnutrition among the slum kindergartners and help the children stay healthy and develop as normal children. In the past 40 years, over 40,000 poor children have graduated from our kindergartens with a healthy start as they enter government primary schools. Please help us give the poorest children a chance.

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